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Tax return inquiry

To order a tax return service, please provide us with the information and documents as described below. Please note that the fixed price only apply to non residents working onshore or offshore in Norway. If you are a resident of Norway please get in touch to arrange for an agreement: taxreturn@magnuslegal.no

Document templates

Please download the relevant documents from the links below. When completed and signed, attach them to your order using our FILE UPLOADER below.

  • Everyone ordering the tax return service must fill in the Power of Attorney: Power of Attorney / Fullmakt (English only) and Self-certification PeP (English only). Please "right click" and choose "save as"
  • In addition to the Power of Attorney, non-Norwegian nationals have to fill in one of the following forms:

Personal information

Note: If company is paying on behalf of you, please enclose an agreement.

Note that more than one document can be scanned into one PDF-file. Note: Please enclose the pin codes for online access or a copy of the tax return you have received by post, and also provide us "End of Year certificate(s)" (sammenstillingsoppgave).

Please upload the completed and signed documents
Payment method and data consent