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The benefits of a sustainable business

The UN's Sustainable Development Goals constitute the world's shared action plan to eradicate poverty, combat inequality, and stop climate change. This collective effort requires contributions from everyone. In Norway, sustainability has become a crucial factor for business success. Ensure your business meets the set requirements and expectations.

Get help meeting the sustainability goals for your business

Sustainability and corporate social responsibility is about how values are created and how businesses operate. It includes being conscious of climate, HSE, equality, and labor rights. Companies that fail to take action risk losing market value and damaging their brand.

We are here to help you succeed. Our dedicated team of lawyers is passionate about supporting our clients in achieving their sustainability goals.

Our services:

  • Compliance - assessment of whether the company complies with applicable laws, regulations, any other provisions and internal guidelines.
  • The Transparency Act - assessment of whether the company is directly subjected, execution of due diligence and report writing.
  • Sustainability strategy.
  • ESG due diligence.
  • Environmental certification assistance.
  • Assessment of current environmental grants and support schemes.
  • Establishment and organization of HSE routines.
  • Challenges related to equal treatment and discrimination in the workplace.
  • ESG advice in connection with public procurement (in collaboration with Inventura).
  • Help with ESG assessments in international business via our membership in the MSI Global Alliance.
Ikon Hvit Sustainability

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Want to know more about how we at Magnus Legal contribute to sustainability goals and corporate social responsibility?

Read about it here

The Norwegian Transparency Act and government enforcement

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Do you have the Norwegian Transparency Act in place

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